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Rev. Lorrie-Daly-Price

Three Flies Up and Balancing Challenges

How to Play It: There is one thrower; everyone else is a catcher. The thrower stands about 50 feet away from the catchers and then tosses the ball up in the air towards the catchers. If you catch the ball, you get a point. First person to three points becomes the thrower.

Balancing Challenges

Back to Back: Have your kids sit on

the ground with their backs to each other. See if they can stand up without using their hands. Hint: They'll need to press against each other at the same time to pull it off.

Do the Hop: Drape a bandana or other lightweight fabric over one of your child's feet. With that foot lifted, can she hop up and down without losing the fabric?

Don't Drop the Ball: Have your child hold a ball between her knees (use one she can squeeze comfortably) then try to walk. Now, see if she can hop or skip.

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