Creating Masterpieces, Growing Friendships.
A Day in the Life of Footprints Summer Day Camp

Summer is one of the best times for a child. At Footprints Summer Day Camp it is our goal to expose the campers to a broad and varied program of activities that will help to foster the spiritual, mental and physical development of each individual camper. We believe that God has given every child unique gifts and talents. Our goal is to encourage each child to develop them.
8:00-8:45 After Hours Care
8:45-9:00 Arrival and Sign In
9:00-9:15 Group Check-In
9:15-10:00 Praise Craze
10:00-10:40 Large Group Games including:
Capture the flag
Kick the can
Soccer baseball
Four corners
Group hide and seek
Tin soldier
10:40-11:00 Morning Snack
11:00-12:00 Arts and Crafts (Younger)
Sports and Games (Older)
12:00-12:45 Bible Zone (Older)
Optional Activity (Younger)
12:45-1:15 Lunch
1:00 – 1:30* (Cooking Special - 2nd Tuesday of every session)
1:15-2:10 Playground
2:10-3:10 Arts and Crafts (Older)
Sports and Games (Younger)
3:10-3:30 Afternoon Snack
3:30-4:15 Bible Zone (Younger)
Optional Activity (Older)
4:15-4:30 Closing
4:30-6:00 After Hours Care