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”Moses Called to Be a Light”

Rev. Lorrie-Daly-Price

Exodus 3:1-12


The mountain where God met Moses at the burning bush is the same mountain on which God would deliver the Ten Commandments to Moses years later. God got Moses’ attention with a burning bush that didn't burn up. Sometimes it takes drastic measures to get our attention! Moses investigated and listened when God spoke. God had heard the people’s cries from Egypt and was ready to send the leader that was promised to them to rescue them.

Though Moses still identified with the Hebrew people, he did not see himself as the one to save them. Yet God knew that he was the one. Moses’ objection was met with a simple statement from God: “I will be with you.” The path God described to Moses was a difficult one. Moses would face opposition from his people as well as from Pharaoh. To his many objections God responded with a reminder of who God is, the God of Moses’ forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When Moses realized that his God had chosen him, he was willing to obey.

Telling the Story

  1. Read the story from a children’s Bible.

  2. A few online options include:

Moses marries Zipporah, the daughter of Priest Jethro, and settled in the land of Midian. But one day, God spoke to him through a burning bush, and asked Moses to return to Egypt! This is a wonderful movie! Just under 10 minutes long.

This clip is only 5 minutes long and geared a bit more to the younger kids.

A Game to Play


Divide the children into two teams. All children will take off their shoes/sandals and put in a big pile at the end of the room. All children will run to the pile and grab their OWN shoes and put them on and run back to their team lines. See which team can find and put on their own shoes in the quickest time.

See the attached word search for the story.

Craft Ideas:

Make Your Own Burning Bush

Two different options here.

Snack Time

Burning Bush snack idea. Cheese, pretzels, grapes in two colours or you could use olives or even chocolates.

Chocolate Haystacks

What You'll Need

  • 1 cup (6 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips

  • 1 cup (6 ounces) peanut butter chips (optional - you could also use more semisweet or even butterscotch chips)

  • 1 (6-ounce) package chow mein noodles, coarsely broken (I have also used rice krispies and cheerios)

What to Do

  1. Place the chocolate and peanut butter chips in a medium-sized microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high power for 1 minute then stir the mixture. Microwave for 15-second intervals, stirring frequently, until the chips are melted and the mixture is smooth. With a spoon, stir in the chow mein noodles until well combined. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a waxed-paper lined cookie sheet. Chill for about 1 hour, or until firm.

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Summer Address

The Donway Covenant United Church 

230 The Donway West

Don Mills, Ontario

M3B 2V8

Mailing Address

62 Langbourne Place

Don Mills, Ontario 

M3B 1A9

Administrator for Registration Inquires: Lorrie Daly-Price


(416) 527-2579

Camp Phone July and August:

A Director contact will be available closer to summer 2025. 

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